Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy is seeking an editorial team to serve a term of five years, beginning January 1, 2024 (following a training period starting on September 1 2023). The journal issues a call for nominations for editors…
Interview with Françoise Baylis
Françoise Baylis, joins Camisha Russell (Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the University of Oregon and Co-Editor in Chief at Hypatia) and Caroline Lundquist (University of Oregon Ethics Instructor and Co-Managing Editor of Hypatia) as the 2020-21 Wayne Morse Chair. Dr. Baylis…
Annual Report 2020
The Editors’ Annual Report 2020 covers an overview of editorial activities, reports on submission and review activities, distribution highlights, and special initiatives. Hypatia Annual Report 2020 – final draft
CFP Special Issue: Intersectional Epistemologies: The Ethics and Politics of Epistemic Practices [Due 5/15/22]
CFP Special Issue: Intersectional Epistemologies: The Ethics and Politics of Epistemic Practices Intersectional Epistemologies: The Ethics and Politics of Epistemic Practice Guest Editors: Gaile Pohlhaus, Jr. and Jeanine Weekes Schroer Recent work in feminist and critical epistemologies has…
Announcing New Associate Editors
The editors of Hypatia are pleased to announce the election of our new Board of Associate Editors! After much deliberation and an incredible outpouring of support and enthusiasm from the Hypatia community, we are excited to be joined by our…
Call for Nominations for Associate Editors
Hypatia has completed a transition to a new Editorial Team (See the Editorial Team’s statement, “The Promise of Feminist Philosophy,” Hypatia vol. 34, no. 3 (Summer 2019); also see ‘New Editorial Team Chosen for Hypatia’, the revision of its governance…
Diversity Grants Postponed Until 2020
As Hypatia finalizes its new governance structure, we regret to announce that we will be postponing the Hypatia Diversity Grants until 2020. This includes individual as well as project grants. In the meantime, we invite you to plan and prepare…
Annual Report 2018
The Editors’ Annual Report 2018 covers an overview of editorial activities, reports on submission and review activities, distribution highlights, and special initiatives. Although the 2018 annual report would typically not be written until all the data from Wiley and from…
January 2019 Diversity Grant Postponed
Hypatia’s Individual Diversity Grant competition for January 1, 2019 will be postponed until the June 1, 2019 deadline because of the transition between editorial teams. In June we welcome applications for Diversity Project Grants as well as for Individual Grants.
Statement Concerning Fraudulent Submissions
Hypatia deplores the recent fraudulent actions of Peter Boghossian, James Lindsay, and Helen Pluckrose. They have violated a cornerstone of acquiring and disseminating knowledge—trust—as well as many of the ethical norms of academic publishing. Hypatia, along with many other journals from a…