Hypatia welcomes original papers on all topics in feminist philosophy. The Hypatia mission statement emphasizes a commitment to pluralism, diversity, and accessibility. We cannot consider manuscripts that are published, in press, or submitted elsewhere.
- Special issue submissions: If you are interested in contributing to a special issue, please check the calls for papers currently open for special issues: Special issue calls for papers and on Hypatia at Cambridge Core.
- Manuscript submission: Please submit your original manuscript electronically through the Cambridge University Press online submission and review system ScholarOne.
Before you submit a paper for review, please see the manuscript preparation guidelines for formatting and style directions.
General Guidelines
Manuscripts intended for review as Original Articles should not exceed 10,000 words, excluding endnotes and references. Endnotes/footnotes should not normally exceed 2,000 words. Please contact the editorial team if you believe have exceptional reasons to be over or under a standard length submission. Manuscripts also need to be prepared for anonymous review. More information may be found in the Manuscript Preparations Guidelines, Supplementary material may be published online to enhance the article. Please see more information below.
Book Reviews
Hypatia reviews of individual books are published electronically on Hypatia Reviews Online (HRO). Reviews are typically invited by the Book Review Editors, although we welcome recommendations of books to review and would be glad to know if you are interested in writing book reviews. For more information:
- Contact the HRO Editors at hypatia@cambridge.org
Review Essays
Reviews of two or three books on a similar theme are, on occasion, published in regular issues of the journal, typically on an invitation basis. The same submission guidelines apply as for article manuscripts, although review essays are limited to a maximum of 2,500 words (including endnotes and references), and they will be sent out for review to a single anonymous referee. For more information about review essays, contact the Editors:
We welcome submissions on topical issues for our Musings section. Musings are typically 3,000 to 4,000 words long, excluding endnotes and references. They are often more personal, less rooted in particular bodies of literature, and more concerned with current issues, than full-fledged academic articles. They are meant to catalyze philosophical reflection on important issues in feminist philosophy, and are subject to double-anonymous peer review. Sometimes the author of a musing may wish retain some identifying information due to the personal nature of the essay. However, any other identifying information (such as acknowledgments) that is not necessary to maintain the continuity of thought should be withheld. If a musing cannot be fully anonymized, please contact the Managing Editor Aness Webster hypatia@cambridge.org
Feminism in Translation
The editorial team at Hypatia has initiated a “Feminism in Translation” feature. It is clear that while works written in English that gain some traction with a significant audience are often translated in other languages, it is much less common for translations to go the other way. This means that those who work primarily in English (or for whom English is the language of communication across geographic regions) remain unaware of significant developments in feminist theory that take place in other languages. Very important developments in feminist thought, and the thinkers who are doing that work, may be unknown in language-contexts other than their own. Alternative genealogies of the work and its reception history may also be unknown, especially if they emerge from or develop counterhegemonic perspectives
If you are interested in contributing to the “Feminism in Translation” feature, please submit your translation proposal and translation manuscript through ScholarOne. Translation manuscripts for review as articles should be 7,000 to 10,000 words long, excluding endnotes and references. The translator of the manuscripts should be anonymized for the peer-review process.
Below is a checklist for translators to consider before submitting:
- I have secured, or been reasonably assured that I will secure, by time of publication, permission from the publisher of the original language text for Hypatia/Cambridge University Press to publish my English translation.
- I have secured, or been reasonably assured that I will secure, by time of publication, permission from the living author of the text, or the non-living author’s estate where relevant, for Hypatia/Cambridge University Press to publish my English language translation.
- I have included a short introduction to the essay which provides context for English language readers and describes the importance and impact of the essay in its home language. In this brief introduction, I have described specific translation challenges and the solutions I have chosen, my translation strategy (if appropriate), and any terms I have chosen to leave in the original language with an explanation of the term and the reason for not translating it.
- Citations used in the original text have been provided in English, using recognized English translations of those texts, and explanatory notes indicate which English language version of the cited text has been used.
- The most difficult to translate passages are provided in the original language in a footnote, with an explanation of the translation difficulty and the translator’s choices, in order to preserve the nuances or ambiguities in the original text.
- Technical terms, including philosophical terms, that have a history in the source language or have been translated from previous languages into the source language, have been rendered in their standard or accepted English versions, or an explanation has been provided for why the standard or accepted English translation of the term has not been used. (For example: Simone de Beauvoir uses the term “réalité humaine” in Le Deuxième Sexe, an accepted French translation for the German term Dasein, which has been translated into English as “existence,” or “Being-in-the-world”. It would be completely inappropriate to translate this term into English as “human reality” thus obscuring the philosophical history and meaning of the term.)
- Before you submit the final version of your translation (after review and acceptance): Where possible, and where desired by the living author of this text, I have secured the author’s approval of the finished translation.
Special Issues, Clusters, and Symposia
Hypatia has a long history of publishing ground-breaking thematic special issues; we typically schedule one or two of these each year and welcome proposals for special issues. We also periodically publish smaller scale thematic clusters and symposia:
- Guidelines for proposing special issues, clusters, and symposia
- Examples of successful special issue proposals
Manuscripts submitted to Hypatia should not be under simultaneous consideration by any other journal, nor should they have been published elsewhere. You are welcome, however, to post your manuscript online in the form in which it has been submitted. For details please check:
- Hypatia editorial office website: Rights and Permissions
- Cambridge University Press: Journal Permissions and Reprints
In the broader field, published interviews with canonical, nonfeminist philosophers often become important and highly cited parts of secondary work on these thinkers. As a major source of feminist philosophical scholarship, Hypatia can contribute to deeper scholarly engagement with influential feminist scholars through this form.
We invite interview submissions at this time, through our regular submissions portal. In recognition of the anonymity challenges that interviews pose, submitted manuscripts will be subject only to editorial review, but will be evaluated by several editors. This process will be highly selective; successful interviews will significantly clarify advanced readers’ understanding of an author’s thought or of a movement or organization’s principles or methods. To reduce bias, if an interview is beyond the co-editors’ expertise, we will reach out to Hypatia Associate Editors for further review.
As with other manuscripts, interviews cannot exceed 10,000 words, but there is no minimum word count to be met. Interviews should be submitted to ScholarOne by the interviewer (not the interviewee) and should only list the interviewer as the author.
Review and Production Processes
To add yourself as a potential reviewer for Hypatia manuscripts, please follow this link and create an account through ScholarOne Manuscripts.
Review Policy and Procedures
A detailed overview of Hypatia’s review process, including an explanation of the decision categories used by the editors, can be found here.
Submission and Review Statistics
For a summary of current acceptance and rejection rates, average time to decision, and circulation data, please follow these links on the editorial office website:
Acceptance and Production
When your manuscript is accepted it will immediately be sent into production. Outlined below are the stages of the production process. As soon as production is complete, your manuscript will be published electronically through Cambridge's First View system, before it appears in a print issue of the journal. If you have questions about what stage of production your article is in you may contact the Managing Editor at hypatia@cambridge.org
- For questions about deadlines and the submission process for supporting material, please contact the Managing Editor: Aness Webster at hypatia@cambridge.org
- Copyediting: When your manuscript has been accepted in its final (correctly formatted) form, it will be sent to copyediting.
- Typesetting: When you have reviewed and approved the copyedits, your manuscript will be sent to Cambridge University Press for typesetting and final production.
- Proofreading: When the proofs of your article are ready, CUP's staff will contact you directly with a request for you to review and approve the proofs. It is crucial that you check your proofs carefully at this stage, even if you were satisfied with the copyedited version of your paper. Errors can arise in the process of typesetting your manuscript.
- First View publication: When you have approved the proofs, your article will be published in its final form online.
Note that electronic publication on First View is the publication of record; once an article has appeared on First View it cannot be further edited or amended, even if it has not yet appeared in, or been scheduled for, a print issue of the journal.
Online Supporting Information
Cambridge hosts an online repository of “supporting information” linked to Hypatia articles. Supporting information can include virtually anything that an author thinks would be a valuable supplement to an article, review essay, or Musing that has been accepted for publication in Hypatia. We encourage authors to include supplementary material that might enhance the pedagogical uses of an article. The range of formats that can be supported includes PowerPoint presentations, graphics, text, links, audio podcasts, and video clips.
Consider creating a virtual gallery with illustrations we could not ordinarily include in the print edition of Hypatia or providing notes and background material to which you would like readers to have access for published articles. Supporting information must be submitted in final form at the same time that your manuscript is uploaded to Cambridge for production.
- For questions about deadlines and the submission process for supporting material, please contact the Managing Editor: Aness Webster at hypatia@cambridge.org
- Illustrations, Images, and Graphics
If a Hypatia manuscript includes figures, artwork, or graphics of any kind, these images must be high resolution and uploaded at the time of submission. Authors must have permission to use any images submitted. Please note that images will appear in color when viewed online through Cambridge's First View, but they will appear in black and white in the print publication. Authors may choose to pay a fee to print images in color, and color images may also be hosted by Cambridge online as supporting material (see above), with a link inserted into the text of the author’s published article.- For advice about illustrations, contact the Managing Editor: Aness Webster at hypatia@cambridge.org.