This video interview, conducted by Miranda Pilipchuk, accompanies McWeeny’s “Topographies of Flesh: Women, Nonhuman Animals, and the Embodiment of Connection and Difference,” an honorable mention of the 2013 Diversity Essay Prize.
This video interview, conducted by Miranda Pilipchuk, accompanies McWeeny’s “Topographies of Flesh: Women, Nonhuman Animals, and the Embodiment of Connection and Difference,” an honorable mention of the 2013 Diversity Essay Prize.
Hypatia published Volume 27 in 2012; this marks 30 years of continuous publication since Hypatia first appeared as a series of three special issues of International Women’s Studies Quarterly.
The Editors’ Annual Report 2011 covers an overview of editorial activities, reports on submission and review activities, distribution highlights, and special initiatives.
The Editors’ Annual Report 2010 covers an overview of editorial activities, reports on submission and review activities, distribution highlights, and special initiatives.
The Editors’ Annual Report 2008-2009 covers an overview of editorial activities, reports on submission and review activities, distribution highlights, and special initiatives.