Congratulations to the Hypatia Diversity Award Winners

Diversity Project Grants were awarded to:

Sandrine Bergès and Saniye Vatansever (Bilkent University), “Supporting Women in Philosophy in Turkey” a multi-part project including a student conference, mentoring, workshop, and speaker series.

Andrea Pitts (UNC Charlotte) and Perry Zurn (American University), “Trans Philosophy Project,” a multi-faceted project including a trans philosophy conference, a trans resource initiative including best practices and bibliography.

Nancy Tuana and Emma Velez (both Penn State University), “Toward Decolonial Feminisms,” partial support for conference speakers.

Four Individual Grants were awarded to graduate students for conference papers that contribute to diversifying feminist philosophy or philosophy in general:

Jonathan Kwan (CUNY), Rebecca Monteleone (Arizona State University), Valérie Simon (University of Oregon), Tiia Sudenkaarne (University of Turku)
