hypatia statistics

We are often asked for information about Hypatia’s acceptance and rejection rates, bibliometric data, and information about the journal's standing in philosophy or women's studies. If there is other information you would find useful, please contact the managing editor and we’ll do our best to provide it: hypatia@cambridge.org .

Impact Factor Score

In 2011 Hypatia was selected for inclusion in the Journal Citation Report (then owned by Thomson Reuters, now by Clarivate Analytics). Hypatia is one of a handful of philosophy journals included in this report. The problems with the impact factor are well documented and its use for research assessment is opposed by a wide array of researchers and organizations. Clarivate itself offers this cautionary note:

Clarivate Analytics does not depend on the impact factor alone in assessing the usefulness of a journal, and neither should anyone else. The impact factor should not be used without careful attention to the many phenomena that influence citation rates, as for example the average number of references cited in the average article. The impact factor should be used with informed peer review. In the case of academic evaluation for tenure it is sometimes inappropriate to use the impact of the source journal to estimate the expected frequency of a recently published article. Again, the impact factor should be used with informed peer review. Citation frequencies for individual articles are quite varied.

Note that the impact factor takes into account only citations of Hypatia articles that appeared in journal articles; it does not include citations that appeared in books or in articles published in anthologies, and it does not include other measures of impact, such as the article download figures cited below.

Hypatia’s 2016 impact factor: 1.038

Comparison impact factors for journals in related fields:

  • Ethics: 1.341
  • European Journal of Women’s Studies: 1.132
  • Feminist Theory: 1.114
  • Signs: 0.906
  • Political Theory: 0.746
  • Feminist Studies: 0.353

Submission and Review Statistics

The data reported here are based on review activity between 2009-2016:

Acceptance Rates

  • Open submissions: average 28%
  • Special issue submission: average 42%

Desk Rejection Rates

  • Based on review by the editors; no external review: approximately 9.5%

Total Number of Essays Sent for External Review

  • Over 250 a year

Time to Decision

Open submissions manuscripts

  • Initial decisions average 60 days.
  • Final decisions on revised manuscripts average 27 days.

Special issue manuscripts

  • Initial decisions average 119 days.
  • Final decisions on revised manuscripts take an average of 22 days.

Journal Circulation and Article Download Rates


In 2016, the most recent year for which we have circulation statistics, Wiley reported that 4,048 libraries world-wide provided access to Hypatia. Wiley maintains a philanthropic relation that allowed an additional 6,943 libraries in developing countries to access the journal at low or no cost. Additional access to the journal may also be had through JSTOR and EBSCO database licensing.

Article Downloads

Wiley reported the following download statistics for Hypatia articles in 2016:

  • Total downloads: 373,011 full-text downloads.
  • Distribution: 48% of these downloads came from outside the United States and Canada, demonstrating Hypatia's international impact.
  • Comparison: The average number of downloads per article in Hypatia was 96. For all journals that Wiley publishes in philosophy, the average number of downloads per article was 125.
  • Hypatia website traffic: the Wiley Hypatia website averaged approximately 10,500 unique visitors per month (range = 6,000 to 15,000).

Journal Ratings and Rankings

Hypatia is listed in several prominent journal rankings and indexes.

  • European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences (ERIH PLUS): Hypatia is included in the ERIH PLUS database, indicating it meets all threshold standards for scholarly journals as determined by the Standing Committee for the Humanities of the European Science Foundation.
  • Google Scholar Metrics: As of February 12, 2018, Hypatia was ranked #7 in the Feminism & Women's Studies category. By comparison, Signs was #2, the European Journal of Women's Studies was #5, Feminist Theory was #10, and Feminist Studies was #12. These Google Scholar Metrics are based on the Google Scholar index as it existed in June 2017; they are "determined automatically by a computer program."
  • 2016 Scimago Journal Ranking: In 2016 Hypatia was ranked 51 out of 477 in the philosophy category and 26 out of 121 in the gender studies category.
  • South African Department of Higher Education (DoHET): For many years Hypatia has been listed an “accredited journal" and therefore an approved publication venue for South African scholars. The journal appears most recently on the 2018 listings.
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