Joint Statement by the Editor of Hypatia and the Editor of Hypatia Reviews Online
The recent position taken by Hypatia’s Associate Editorial Board and the subsequent controversy has limited the ability of our editorial team to continue management of Hypatia and Hypatia Reviews Online while upholding the Journal’s high standards for scholarly inquiry, diversity, inclusiveness, and rigorous academic and review standards. Consequently, Scholz has restricted her involvement to shepherding on-going journal issues through the production process and Wilcox has stepped down as Book Review Editor. It seems clear that a change of leadership structure at the journal might create space to move forward not only at Hypatia but perhaps in feminist philosophy more generally. We have urged Hypatia’s Board of Directors to undertake comprehensive restructuring of the journal’s governance structure to provide a suitable environment for the next editorial team and we understand that they have begun to do so.
Released July 20, 2017