Continuation of Interim Editorial Team

The Board of Directors of Hypatia is pleased to announce that Ann Garry, Serene Khader, and Alison Stone — who have been serving as Interim Editor and Co-Editors of Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy — and their Managing Editor, Miranda Pilipchuk, have agreed to extend their interim positions for six months longer than originally planned, and thus to serve until July 1, 2018. 

Editors’ Statement (July 20, 2017)

Joint Statement by the Editor of Hypatia and the Editor of Hypatia Reviews Online

The recent position taken by Hypatia’s Associate Editorial Board and the subsequent controversy has limited the ability of our editorial team to continue management of Hypatia and Hypatia Reviews Online while upholding the Journal’s high standards for scholarly inquiry, diversity, inclusiveness, and rigorous academic and review standards.

Board of Directors’ Statement (May 18, 2017)

Statement by the Non-Profit Board of Hypatia

This statement is written and signed by the Board of Directors of Hypatia, the non-profit corporation that owns Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy: Elizabeth Anderson, Leslie Francis (Treasurer), Heidi Grasswick (Secretary), Miriam Solomon (President), and Lisa Tessman (Chair). Sally Scholz, who as Editor of the journal is an ex officio member of the Board, has already made a public statement.

Editor’s Statement (May 6, 2017)

Statement by the Editor of Hypatia

As Editor of an academic journal that espouses pluralism and diversity, I believe that Hypatia should publish on a wide array of topics employing a wide array of methodologies. I believe that a community of scholars should contest concepts and engage in dialogue within the pages of the journal to advance our collective project of educating—students and ourselves.
